Help raise funds for the club.
"You could win a share of £1000!!!!"
200Club 2025
As you will no doubt be aware, we need to do everything possible to raise as much income for the club. One way we do this is through the annual 200Club. Chris Wilkins sells 200 numbers to current and former members and friends of the club. The cost is £13. The prize pot is £1000.
Members are now invited to purchase numbers ahead of this year’s draws, which will take place at the Annual Dinner and Awards on Saturday 26th April 2025.
How To Choose Your Number
Many of the 200Club Numbers have been bought by members many years ago and they keep that number.
A list of the numbers available to purchase can be downloaded below.
If you are happy to be allocated the next available number then you need do nothing except purchase a 200Club ticket. Chris Wilkins will then allocate you the next number available number from the list.
If you would like to be allocated a particular number, then you will need to email Chris at Please email him a list of your preferences, just in case your initial choice/s have already been allocated.
Once the annual draws are completed, those numbers not allocated to members who pay by direct debit will be cleared and a new cycle of allocations will commence.
The 12 draws will take place at the Annual Dinner.
There will be ten draws of £50, £20 and £10 along with two £100 jackpot draws.
Winning members will be paid in cash at the Dinner.
The winning numbers will be displayed on the SHC website. Winners not present at the Dinner will need to contact Chris Wilkins on in order to advise him on how they wish to be paid.
Any number not allocated to a 200Club member will be allocated to The Club, and any winnings will be kept by The Club.