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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Mark Beavis27 Aug - 18:44
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ALL members need to read.


Sheffield Hockey Club (SHC) takes its responsibilities for the safeguarding of its members very seriously and prides itself on ensuring that all of our club members are able to enjoy sport in a safe environment. In order to make sure this happens; safeguarding is an integral element of the culture of our club. All of our coaches and volunteers have the necessary qualifications and safeguarding checks in place. We also comply with England Hockey safeguarding expectations.

If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding or wish to raise a safeguarding complaint, please contact a member of our Welfare Team listed below or complete a complaint report/enquiry form online at:
Code of Conduct/Discipline/Grievance - Sheffield Hockey Club Documents

All safeguarding complaints will be treated in confidence and escalated to England Hockey (EH) welfare according to their policy. If EH deems that there are local issues to be addressed and/or passes the matter back to SHC.

SHC will then investigate all such complaints in full accordance with our Grievance (Complaints) Policy and alongside ensuring due regard to SHC’s legal safeguarding duties/responsibilities and EH’s associated safeguarding processes, policies and procedures.

Our Welfare Team consists of the following people:

Welfare Officer
Marni Greig
Welfare Officer

Welfare Officer
Peter Herbert
Welfare Officer

SHC Club Chair
Stephen Hipwell
SHC Club Chair

You can also contact England Hockey at:

Alison Hogg – to report a safeguarding concern
Mobile: 01628 897500

SHC fully abides by England Hockey’s safeguarding policy.


Code of Conduct:
What is the SHC Code of Conduct?

The Sheffield Hockey Club (SHC) Code of Conduct exists to protect everyone within the game and outlines the behaviour expected from all those involved in hockey activity at SHC including all club members, players, officials, coaches, umpires, supporters, parents and helpers.
You can find the Code of Conduct and other documents mentioned in this article by CLICKING HERE.

Does the Code apply to me?

Yes! If you are involved at any level in the game or supporting someone who is, then the Code applies to you. Everyone involved in hockey has a responsibility to promote the sport, making sure that there is equal access and opportunity for all and that fairness and respect is upheld.

Our Code allows SHC to uphold the values that we all believe in as a club and any breaches will be dealt with in accordance with SHC’s relevant disciplinary and grievance (complaints) procedures.

What is the purpose of the Code?

By sharing this code and ensuring all those involved in hockey activity at SHC have read and understand the code, we believe that we can uphold the highest standards of integrity and ensure that the reputation of SHC and hockey as a sport more generally is – and remains – at a high level.

Our Code of Conduct has due regard to the England Hockey Code of Ethics and Behaviour and has been built on the standards set-out in this nationally adopted code which all those involved in hockey are required to abide by at all times.

Our Code consists of the following sections:

 General Club Code of Conduct
 All Players participating in Senior Level Hockey
 All Youth Players participating in Youth Level Hockey
 Parents/Guardians/Carers & Spectators
 SHC Coaches, Team Managers & Adult Helpers
 SHC Umpires & Match Officials
 SHC Executive Committee & Club President
 Reporting Procedure & Dealing with Breaches

All club members have a duty to understand and abide by all elements of the code which are relevant to them at all times, this is a mandatory requirement of member of SHC.

How to I report a concerns or breach related to the Code of Conduct?

If you have any concerns regarding SHC’s Code of Conduct or wish to report an alleged breach of the Code, please contact a member of SHC’s Executive Committee or complete a complaint report/enquiry form online at:

Grievance (Complaints) Policy:

Sheffield Hockey Club (SHC) recognises that from time-to-time Individual’s may wish to seek redress for grievances/complaints relating to any aspects of SHC’s activities, policies and procedures.

In this respect, SHC’s policy is to encourage free communication between all Club Officials and Members to ensure that questions and problems can be aired, and where possible, resolved quickly and to the satisfaction of all concerned.

SHC has developed and implemented a Club Grievance (Complaints) Policy which sets-out fully how all such matters with be handled. The aim of this policy is to resolve all potential issues at the earliest opportunity to avoid escalation into a serious dispute.

Any differences, which may arise, between SHC and Individuals shall be discussed through this procedure. Whilst discussions are being conducted under this policy, all club activities shall continue as usual in all respects.

General Principles

It is in everyone's best interest to ensure that a grievance be resolved quickly and fairly and at the lowest level possible within SHC.

SHC’s Grievance Policy is designed to enable any Individual or groups of Individual’s within the club to raise and have dealt with any matter with which they feel aggrieved.

If it is not possible to resolve a grievance informally with the relevant Club Official, Individuals should raise the matter formally and without unreasonable delay to one of the following (who is not subject to the grievance): SHC Chair, SHC Vice Chair or SHC Secretary.

Complaints or concerns can also be raised by completing the below complaint report/enquiry form:

Further reading